Friday 11 March 2011

♥ The Jounery

Today having Visual test, Current issue, Public speaking
I guess my college mate one by one were frenzy & nervous too
The Visual test was understanding all the country, capital and you still need to point out where is it #___#
Luckily, teacher were late 1 hour - repaired her phone ( Gotchat )
She inform monitor take care of us and let's us do Evaluation test by group
Truly, I do not discussed with my friends * sorry : ( * I just press my phone on Twitter
Hahaha, I knew I'm wrong. Just give me 1 hour break to refresh my crazily mind @@
Currently my mind begin, hmmm, no idea to describe

I've bring along my camera always, capture the sweet memories we spend together
Laugh, chit-chat, play, silly, and OUR SMILE :D
Finally I can show you guys how we study and where is it yaaaa, enjoy the photos

Group A environment
Can see the world map stick at the whiteboard ? XD

Every week I've to go through the way alone :)

The cross over bridge

As you can see, it's raining day ♥
What a poor day ? Went back home, without umbrella :(

Korea maggie mee, one of my beloved ♥
Weather was cold, you guys have to take it once, teehee

I miss you badly :'(

Music of the day ♥
Taylor Swift - You're not sorry

Signing off,
Lavender, your lovely ♥ ♥

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